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公司位于飨有“模具之乡”、“中国模具产业基地”和“中国模具城 ”之称的浙江宁海, 模具产业基础优越,名列全国百强县。宁海位于东海之滨,近临北仑港、同三高速和栎社机场,水陆空交通方便,自然条件优越,为生态示范县。
公司主营汽车内饰NVH系统零部件的工装、模具和检具,可实现从内饰产品同步设计,到模具研发、设计、制造和销售的“一站式”服务。公司自2010年成立以来, 历经多年发展,已具有年产热成型工模具200套的生产能力。
公司以模具开发设计精益化为核心,使用CAD/CAM/CAE系统技术,执行ISO9001-2008质量保证体系,以“精益求精 追求更好”的质量方针,以“专业、专心、诚心、快速为客户提供服务” 为公司经营理念,保障我们的产品性价比高、使用安全、结构先进、性能稳定,回馈业界客户对我们的信任。
Ninghai Hongshun Precision Machinery Company Locates in Ninghai, which is called ‘Mould Town’& ’Mould Industrial Base’in China. The mould base industry provides us with strong competition.
Hongshun is a customer integrated solution provider offering a full range of tools services, design and co-design auto interior and exterior components tools, checking fixture and any tools for specific application: Pressing/forming, punching/trimming, forming/punching, vacuum forming, foaming, laminating, assembling, edge folding.
● With extensive experience and achievements in the automotive industry demonstrate that we understand and meet our customer needs.
● Less time to mass production and greater assurance of project quality
● Offers comprehensive pre and after-sales service in order to ensure that our delivered tools reach the highest level of availability and performance.
We offer preventive maintenance of tools, 48h remote assistance, extra training sessions at site. We already served for Benz (Beijing), Benz(fujian), CBA, SGM, SVW, BAIC HYUNDAI, HONDA, FORD… Hongshun supplies toolings for numerous automotive application, including :
● Headliners
● Main Carpets
● Package Trays 
● Trunk Trims 
● Dash Outers/ Dash Inners 
● Underbody insulation and engine insulation 
● Wheel arches 
● Door panel 
● Seat backs 
● Heat shield composite exterior panels